With the lecture coming up, The model vs the Pose, I began to think about what I look for when I want to cast a model and also models I like at the minute......
Not forgetting the juicy gossip, (I say gossip because I don't actually know whether its true) that Lara Stone is engaged to David Walliams.

Since Lara Stone graced our catwalks (she was signed by IMG in 2006) with her gorgeous beauty, her voluptuous figure as a model she really stood out to me, most models I have come across have quite a strange look, they always seem to have something unique about their look, for instance Kate Moss' waif look became huge when Corrine Day photographed the up and coming model, this look wasn't really celebrated until the 90's, the look of models over the past decade has changed drastically really when you think about. Anywhooo....Lara Stone,
Born in the netherlands to dutch parents, and brought up in a dutch town, she was spotted, age 12, in the Paris Metro (talk about right place, righ time!). Only after years of struggle in the world of modeling, she had her big break in '06 when Stone was signed to IMG...thank god!
Her look is so striking: those cheekbones, those breasts, that dutch blonde hair and those near visable brows..stunning. She has walked for so many designers, has been in tonnes of campaigns and has been on a variety of fashion covers. Vogue Paris named her as one of the top 30 models of the naughties.

Stone's trademarks being, the Madonna-esque gap in her front teeth, her wobbly walk on the catwalk (all the ladies out there with a little bigger feet can definatly understand this, I mean would you ladies out there with size 7+ feet have your feet cramped into sample size shoes size 5.....probably if the shoes were as gorgeous as the ones that Lara has worn!) and not forgetting her (unusual really for a catwalk model) busty bosoms!!
An amazing model......an amazing look.
My checklist that I have when casting a model;
1.-do they fit my brief (the look) i.e punk. Look at- hair colour/eye colour/any piercings-needed/not wanted
2.-will the clothes look good on the models body
3.-tall enough? short enough?
4.-how much costing?if costing anything?
5.-do they have an agent?
6.-if professional model, ask to see past work, portfolio of looks.