My briefs have been varied, i've worked alone, in a team, with collage, with a professional photographer on every project, with different models, different materials, it has been a real eye opener, lots of hard work and fun styling ideas. As the course is a lot more focused on the styling side of fashion i have been keeping up to date with the trends up and coming and at present which i have loved doing, i did do this before at UCA but im tending to do it that bit more here, i feel as though i have more free time to be productive here and as im living with the lady my head is really clear and my grades show it, and i dont mind saying it myself (cheeky grin!).
My favourite brief this year has got to be my very first brief. The credit crunch, customisation shoot. It was the first time i have worked with a professional model wearing my clothes and my ideas. The final look im pleased with and in the post production process my shoot only got better, and that little more complex. Im very proud of my sketchbook for this brief, its probably the best i've done in all of 2009. 

1st Brief: Credit Crunch Shoot.
2nd Brief: Y.S.L Perfume campaign, group work.
3rd Project: Style Icon, Interview Magazine, Trend Page.
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