In our lecture today we had a discussion about how the web is changing fashion imagery, well, after we had carried out a crit on our project work as a class, and f.y.i the work was pretty damn impressive!
In our disscussion we chatted about the fact that nowadays fashion is very much available to the masses, look at V&R RTW Spring 09 fashion show for instance, it was live streamed on the net, which is fast becoming a fashion in itself. At our day and age and with all the technology and digital equipment around us, this ability to view a live catwalk show can be had: in some ways I think that this is a positive thing, as for people like me for instance who live 300+ miles away from London and god knows how many miles from Milan, Paris and New York, I am able to still be a part of the show at the present time. Although, I do believe it has taken away some of the glamour out of a fashion show, and hindered its appeal, however it can help the designer in reaching audiences it may never have usually reached. So there's postitives and negatives about this modern take on communicating fashion.
We have also as a society, changed our view on the 'model', with blogs and webpages like TheSartorialist and Style.com showing street style shots, in a way, shows that the 'non-models' i.e us, are now becoming models in our own right.
We also looked at the magazine and how this format of showing fashion has changed and yet again has become much more of a digital thing: magazines used to be where fashion would traditionally appear but nowadays you can look at a magazine online, even to the extent of turning the page and having the noise that a page turn usually has to give the online page a more magazine feel; you can get magazine updates and newsletters and apps for your mobile phones and again are able to get the information when you want at your fingertips. It's crazy how much has changed over the last 20 years, 10 years infact when looking at the way we communicate.
We also in class, inevitably, looked at webpages that showcase fashion imagery, SHOWstudio.com being the most impressive and innovative and we discussed how the fashion shoot has changed from something static to moving imagery, with sound and maybe video clips. The web has helped and still helps to prolong fashion imagery (flickr.com/google.com/yahoo.com) but it really is changing the way that fashion imagery is shown to an ever changing audience.
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