We had a new brief given to us today for our Still Life styling project, set by Clare Buckley, our lecturer.
It was a very motivating lecture and I'm really excited about the process of coming up with the final fashion editorial. We also, during class, discussed different types of still life styling; visual merchandising, styling for catalogues and window dressing, because as Maxine Groucutt of Liberty said 'If eyes are the window to the soul one could argue that windows are the soul of the store' , and as still life styling is more about selling the product practising this practice will be really beneficial to us all and in terms of the lecture, seeing past work is always inspirational to look at examples and get the ideas cogging around in my head.
Our new brief includes us, the still life stylist and more importantly 'The Artist' to look at and absorb the Fall 2010 collections and pick out our favourite 3 trends. As you guys can see I have already been following the shows and picked out some of my favourite looks and key pieces, so I'm a little ahead which is good. Then, with the trends in mind, plus our interests always acute, we need to find, through charity shops, car boot sales, jumble sales, the net, our grandma etc a jigsaw that either relates in some way to the trends and our interests or it could literally be something just completely random, which then will be included (partly or wholly) in our 3-4 page fashion editorial. For next week we need to produce 3 mood-boards based around our 3 trends we have researched and keeping in mind the jigsaw puzzle, as a part of the board and the fashion trends, we can get really creative with this and include on the 3 boards other elements outside of fashion- film, interiors, food, animals anything.
I'm very excited, for the whole of this semester we haven't been working with a sketchbook, and its always nice to go back to basics and get those creative juices flowing. I will keep you guys updated with the progress of my work on the briefs.
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