The brief was to concentrate on still life styling for a brand of our choice and to do the photoshoot, we needed to consider how we will show the clothing rather than the accessories in a still life fashion image, without a model.
My chosen brand is American Apparel, I chose this brand because I knew specifically that it would be a challenge to do a still life fashion story as their advertisments are and always have shown a sexy girl in the shot to promote the American Apparel 'product': I say 'product' because I don't really believe that the company is promoting it's products, I think American Apparel is promoting its lifestyle.
These are my images.

Very nice! Well executed.
Thank you kindly XxX
well done hun x
Thanks M XxX
Very well done, eye catching. :))
I love American Apparel!
Great blog, check mine out too if you feel like it. :)
Thanks Shelly for your comment XxX
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