As the promo poster stated that the look needed to be for a formal occasion, I began to think of formal occasions that I could create a look for- a dinner party/BBQ, a work experience interview, a summer wedding: these were the only occasions I could think of for smart/summer, anyhooo as I'm actually looking for work experience now, through my summer holiday, I figured how much more fitting would it be to create a smart summer look for an interview.
So I went with this look: quite smart with summer hints.
I wanted to bring chinos into the look as they're very S/S10 but I wanted to make them that little more interesting, so I added a scarf (worn as a belt) with the colour palette from the Marni catwalk shows, to bring in colour: I'm not a huge wearer of bright colours, so throughout summer I try adding colour to my outfits with accessories. I also liked the crunched up look of the espadrilles with the turned up chinos. With the white shirt, I used it to not only enhance a summer tan but to again evoke that 'smartness' sense you want to create for an interview: the black fitted jacket also helps with this. Although it is quite hard to see on the photograph, the necklace is gold and black, adding a subtle tribal trend piece.
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