Ok, so today at work whilst I was practising my menswear styling, I approached a very stylish, elderly lady, who was dressed in a lilac skirt suit (a very stylish one not a tatty looking attire at all), leather short purple gloves, a gorgeous snakeskin grey clasp bag and a stunning hat. Her outfit attracted my attention at first and then once we got talking I began to understand a little bit more about this really interesting woman.
Said hat, was designed and handmade by herself, why had she decided to begin designing hats I asked, 'because every outfit needs a hat, it finishes off the look'. I did ask if I could take her photograph but she said no, so instead after work, I quickly sketched her ensemble and tried to remember her clothing down to the last pearl.
'Zsa Zsa' was her name, I think her agent gave her this name because 'they used to think I looked like Ja Ja Gabor' she said. Zsa Zsa used to model and has modelled for YSL campaigns, which she informs me 'he was very handsome indeed': she has acted in her past too on Hollywood films and tv shows, none of which she would divulge to myself, I have no idea why, maybe she gets asked these questions all the time, who knows, but she just really interested me. It's so very rare nowadays, specifically in the north, to see elderly women dressing so well.
Zsa Zsa has style, you realise this with her accessory choices and the fact that she isn't simply wearing a skirt suit and that being it: she has put effort into her outfit and added her own personality with adding her hat to the ensemble.
After she left I spoke to my boss about her and apparently Zsa Zsa comes into the shop a lot so hopefully the next time I see her she might tell me more....
I know exactly who you're talking about, I've seen her around a few times, always looking fabulous.It's always heartening to see older women who don't give in to elastic-waist trousers and orthopedic sandals.
Really?! That's amazing! I know she dresses beautifully, when I saw her walk into the shop today I didn't really know how to approach her so I just went over and told her she looked fab :)
i like her reason for why she started designing hats! thanks for sharing
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