Yesterday was such an incredible day!
Working with the ITV team was brilliant. My producer, Catherine Ellis was very hard working, focused but very sweet too. If I needed help with anything she was there, our sound man, Steve was a real down to earth northern guy who I gelled with really well, and our camera guy, Chris was a fab character and truly well experienced- he had once interviewed Margaret Thatcher, whom he called maggie as though they were best buddies. He was a lovely and encouraging guy (specially about my degree results which we were given yesterday).
The day started at 8am and for the first couple of hours myself and my friend Steph got to know the crew a little more, with plenty of hand shaking and smiles shared :) I was introduced to my producer and briefed on the day ahead. I just loved and thrived off of how calm and collected Catherine was, which I later found out why, as she has been in the business for many years and has worked on big shows such as Big Brother, Come Dine with Me etc so this was second nature to Catherine. Her attitude kept me calm too because, although I have worked on live events before, I hadn't worked on something as big as ITV so the nerves were there, but like I say, Catherine's attitude influenced mine and I just easily did the job I needed to do.
At around 10am all the crew made there way to the first game location, I should point out that the shooting of 'Red or Black' was in beautiful Roundhay Park in Leeds, West Yorkshire. So our first location was set on the great green cricket field. We firstly walked down a huge hill towards a giant bingo set up and after watching Ant and Dec introduce the game (which was surreal in itself: they're usually on my TV set, not stood right in front of me!) the fun then began! The first game got the adrenaline flowing- there were parachute jumpers, a very energetic and animated crowd and real, massive excitement in the air. I won't give out any spoilers of the game (which will be aired in august) but I will tell you that this was the first time I had seen a parachute jump and it really was incredible. When you see a small body jump from a plane and come down that quickly it kinda blew my mind, it just looked like so much fun, and after seeing that, I would love to do it!
So, after this 1st game the real work began.
My job for the day was a logger for my PSC crew, which is quite an important role as I needed to be very observant at every interview (we did around 40 in the day). I had to write down a detailed but edited description of any fab thing that the interviewee says and at what time,exactly. That way when the editors edit this part of the show they can filter through the things that aren't needed and get the best bits. At the first couple of interviews, I was just really getting the hang of editing the interview, experiencing working with a PSC and taking direction, and obviously I was new so my first few interviews I might not have been at my best but towards the end of the day I really got the hang of TV- the technical words, the best positions to be in etc and by the end of the day I did the job without any questions and real confidence.
After these interviews we then watched the next game: this was the general set up for the day, with 4 games in total. So yes, there is a lot of waiting around but it really is so much fun and you meet some great people.
After spending the day with the crew at ITV, Catherine asked if I could do the manchester filming with her, which of course I can! I need to grab any opportunity I come across. The filming in manchester is in a weeks time, but yes, after yesterday's day, I really would love to work in TV, in fashion still as maybe a stylist to TV presenters, or a celebrity stylist. Talking of which I saw Ant and Dec's make up artist and stylist, prepping the guys for there camera shots, and I thought that would be great if that would be me one day! I going to be in touch with them ladies in the near future and I'm seeing them again at Manchester, so I better get my business cards at the ready :)
I don't want to bore you with what I did ALL day, because it was a very long day and this post would be longer than it already is (and no one wants that) but I just wanted to give you guys a snippet into working in TV and working as a logger, because when I was younger I found it great to read about peoples' experiences to learn from them and understand whether it would be something I would like to do.
So watch this space for 'Red or Black' on ITV in August: the games are insane and fun, the contestants are mad and the team behind the show are hard working and incredible.
If you want to see a little of yesterdays happenings see here.
See the twitter feed at RedOrBlack
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