Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Game, set, match....

Our new brief for fashion photography, 'Objet Trouve', links very nicely with our fashion promotional, still life styling brief.

We are again in groups and each of our groups were presented with a random selection of objects all wrapped up in brown paper; our group member Adam, chose an object (one which we all wanted) from the selection and we were presented with this, a matchbox.

The brief states that we needed to use our object as a starting point for our 5-7 image fashion story. I do prefer this brief to the last as we have a starting point because with the last photography project we kinda had to mingle 4 people's interests to come up with a concept for a shoot, and in some ways we still obviously need to do this for this specific shoot but as we have 'The Matchbox' as an accessory for our initial ideas, I reckon it may be easier to distinguish our ideas for the shoot.

Photo taken By Marie Benli


Marie Florence said...

hey can you credit the photo pretty please :) x

Ashes said...

Done Done :) x

Marie Florence said...

thank youuuu